Build OnlyOffice from source code (2021 ver.

IMPORTANT: if you want to use a newer version of Onlyoffice, you can refer to this documentation: Compilar OnlyOffice desde el código fuente (2022)


Onlyoffice is an online Office suite based on Web. It lets you to edit Microsoft Office documents such as docx, pptx, xlsx and other Open Document files such as odt, ods and odp.

In our Zimbra and Nextcloud SaaS service we offer Onlyoffice integration in order to view and edit documents. This article shows technically how to build OnlyOffice from the source code.

In addition to build OnlyOffice it will be modified to increase the default 20 simultaneous connections maximum limit to 99999 connections. It’s similar to an OnlyOffice without any limits. This is possible thanks to OnlyOffice AGPL license that let us to modify it.

This build has been possible thanks to bTactic I+D department that recreated OnlyOffice Debian package internal build system.


If you don’t have the technical expertise to build OnlyOffice yourself you can download our built packages from OnlyOffice v6.3.1.37-btactic release .
You are also advised to check our many services which include OnlyOffice integration such as Nextcloud and Zimbra. 
(Warning: This packages is not an official OnlyOffice build. If you find problems with it do not seek help on OnlyOffice official forums/trackers. In any case do it if you have manage to reproduce them in the original source code or OnlyOffice original binary packages.)

Build steps

Base system

Ubuntu 14.04 minimal was used (Any distro that supports Dockers should be enough though.)

System setup

sudo -i
# Enter user password
apt-get update
apt install -y git
ln -sf /usr/bin/ /usr/local/bin/docker
sed -i '$acomplete -F _docker docker' /etc/bash_completion.d/docker

service docker status
# start/running, process 14394

Get special tag

git clone \
--depth=1 \
--recursive \
--branch v6.3.1.37-btactic \ \
cd /build_tools
mkdir out
docker build --tag onlyoffice-document-editors-builder .
docker run -v $(pwd)/out:/build_tools/out onlyoffice-document-editors-builder /bin/bash -c 'cd tools/linux && python3 ./ --branch=tags/v6.3.1.37-btactic'

Package build

onlyoffice-documentserver_6.3.0-111~btactic1_amd64.deb package should be found at: /build_tools/out/package/ directory.
It’s ok that the tag is v6.3.1.37-btactic and then as the package name we have 6.3.0-111~btactic1 .


Just use standard documentation on how to install official Ubuntu packages such as:

However do not add OnlyOffice package repository and when you are asked to install onlyoffice-documentserver package you should do instead::

sudo apt-get install /path/to/onlyoffice-documentserver_6.3.0-111~btactic1_amd64.deb


If you don’t have the technical expertise to build OnlyOffice yourself you can download our built packages from OnlyOffice v6.3.1.37-btactic release .
You are also advised to check our many services which include OnlyOffice integration such as Nextcloud and Zimbra. 
(Warning: This packages is not an official OnlyOffice build. If you find problems with it do not seek help on OnlyOffice official forums/trackers. In any case do it if you have manage to reproduce them in the original source code or OnlyOffice original binary packages.)

More info

For more technical details you can check:

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