To access Banks/Cash, we need to click on the Bank|Cash tab in the top menu.
The basic concepts to keep in mind in this module are:
– Account: Deposit of money in a financial institution where various items (income/expenses) can be charged.
– Direct Debit: Act of authorizing payments or collections charged or credited to an existing account in a bank.
– Batch: Set of items sent at one time (checks, invoices, etc.).
(1) From this lateral submenu (BANK | CASH), we can create new deposits, get a list of transactions, or make bank transfers.
(2) From this lateral submenu (DIRECT DEBIT COLLECTION), we can create a new direct debit, direct debit orders, or statistics.
(3) With the lateral submenu (DEPOSIT RECORDS), we can create new deposits or view a list of batches.
On the main page, all accounts are shown, separated by their type: current, cash/cashier, or savings.
To create a bank account, we need to click on “New Account” in the Banks/Cash lateral submenu.
Once inside, we can fill in the fields with all the necessary information. When finished, we must click “CREATE ACCOUNT”.
To create a direct debit, we need to click on “New Direct Debit” in the Direct Debit Collection lateral submenu.
Once on this screen, we will see all the pending direct debit invoices. We just need to click on “Create a Direct Debit File”.
Av. Balmes, 34 4rt 1a B
25006 Lleida
(+34) 973 270 382